Assessment, Recording and Reporting Guidance

View the MYP Information and guidance page ARR Policy

2024-25 Academy Reporting Cycle for Parents

Year 7, 8 and 9

Module 2


Module 4

MYP Interim

Module 6

MYP Final

Module 2


Module 4


Module 6


Module 1


Module 3


Module 4


Module 2


Module 4


Module 6


Module 1


Module 3


Module 4



  • CG –  Current Grade (the current working grade if the student was to sit exams now) 
  • FG – Forecast Grade (the grade likely to be achieved at the end of the course as a result of the teacher’s professional judgement. Evidence can include: current grade, teacher knowledge of the curriculum/syllabus and forthcoming course specification end points).
  • MG – Mock Grade (the grade achieved in the recent mock exam and/or coursework, if applicable) 
  • CTL – Commitment to Learning (please see descriptors below) 
  • MYP Interim – Interim MYP Grade (including criteria A, B, C, D and the overall grade) 
  • MYP Final – Final MYP Grade (including criteria A, B, C, D and the overall grade)

Student reports 

Students and their families will be provided with the following academic information via the student’s report:  

  • The student’s current grade 
  • The student’s mock examination grade  where applicable. 
  • The student’s MYP grade where applicable
  • The student’s commitment to learning grade  

Students and their families will be provided with the following contextual information: 

Commitment to Learning grade

As calculated using the academy’s Commitment to Learning descriptors.  The class teacher provides a quantitative judgement on the students commitment to learning using a four pointed scale. This is routed in the MYP learner profile as well as their application and commitment to learning in all aspects of the learning.

Commitment to Learning (AtL) Descriptors

4: Exceptional – work consistently exceeds expectations.

Students consistently demonstrate hard work, enthusiasm and engagement in all lessons. They work to the best of their ability and meet all deadlines. IB traits in the subject area are consistently exhibited.

3: Advanced – work consistently meets and sometimes exceeds expectations.

Students demonstrate a commitment and willingness to learn in all lessons. Their work and participation is of a high standard. Students meet their deadlines and many IB traits in the subject area are exhibited.

2: Secure – work generally meets expectations but improvement is required.

Students engage in most lessons but may not work to the best of their ability. Their work and participation is of a good standard overall. However, students may require encouragement to complete tasks and may not  always engage adequately with their learning. Students meet deadlines but this may be inconsistent, with some of the IB traits in the subject area being exhibited.

1: Emerging – work is unsatisfactory and action is required.

Students persistently fail to meet expectations in lessons and do not complete work to the best of their ability.  Deadlines are not met and IB traits are not exhibited. A meeting with the subject teacher will be required.

X: Unable to grade currently due to absence or recent arrival at the academy.

MYP Assessment guide for parents

In addition to attainment, we also look at two different aspects for commitment to learning: attitude to learning and digital engagement scores. The criteria statements are outlined on the image here, please click on the image to view this poster as a PDF.

Leigh Academy Hugh Christie is a Candidate School* for the Middle Years Programme (MYP).  This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Leigh Academy Hugh Christie believes is important for our students. *Only schools authorised by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

MYP Assessment Guide for Parents