Year 9 Options Information and Parents’ Evening

LAHC Letter Image

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Subject: Year 9 Options Information and Parents’ Evening 

As we approach this crucial stage in your child’s education, we are focusing on subject options for Year 9 students. This process will determine the subjects they will study over the next two years in Years 10 and 11. 

We are immensely proud of our Year 9 students, who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to their studies and fully embraced the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP). Their commitment and enthusiasm will serve them well as they embark on this next phase of their academic journey. 

Your child is about to enter a pivotal stage in their school career. Over the next two years, they will undertake a range of examination courses that will provide them with their first formal school qualifications, paving the way for further success in the Sixth Form, college, apprenticeships, and beyond. 

At Leigh Academy Hugh Christie, we are committed to providing the highest quality education by maintaining high standards and supporting students to achieve their full potential. Our students have a strong track record of success in their examinations, and we are confident that your child will continue this tradition. 

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum 

Students in Years 7-9 have established a robust academic foundation through a broad and balanced curriculum, fulfilling National Curriculum requirements while adhering to the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) framework. In September 2025, as they enter Key Stage 4, they will advance to a curriculum that integrates mandatory core subjects with a range of optional courses 

Year 9 Options Information Evening & Parents’ Evening 

To support both parents and students in making these important decisions, we will be holding an Options Information Evening alongside our Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday, 11th March. This event will provide

valuable guidance on the options process and allow you to discuss your child’s current academic progress with their teachers. 

There will be two scheduled talks explaining the options process and we ask students and parents to attend one of the scheduled talks: 

  • 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM 
  • 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM 

Parents’ Evening appointments with subject teachers will be available during the following times: 

  • 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM 
  • 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 

Each appointment will last 5 minutes to ensure as many parents as possible can speak with teachers. Due to staff commitments, it may not be possible to meet with every teacher. 

Booking Appointments via My Child At School (MCAS) 

Appointments can be booked using the MCAS system, allowing you to select suitable time slots. To book an appointment, log into your MCAS account and select Parents’ Evening. Appointment booking will be open from Monday 3rd March, 12pm until Monday 10th March, 12pm. If you need to make changes after this date or experience difficulties booking, please contact your child’s College Admin Team with your preferred subject and time. The request will be forwarded to the relevant teacher, who will confirm their availability. 

College Contact Information: 

For guidance on booking appointments through MCAS, please follow the link below:

We appreciate your support in this important process and look forward to seeing you at the event. Yours sincerely, 

Mr M. Stamato 

Vice Principal & Head of Angelou College