Duke of Edinburgh

A fun adventure and major challenge, three progressive Award levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and a wide range of activities offer endless possibilities to anyone aged 14 to 24. Millions of young people in the UK have already taken part in the world’s leading youth achievement award – pushing personal boundaries, gaining new skills and enhancing their CVs and university applications. Time to get involved and go the extra mile?

Leigh Academy Hugh Christie currently offers the Bronze award.

There are a number of Duke of Edinburgh Award sections that enable participants to challenge themselves and undergo personal growth, these include:

  • Volunteering
  • Physical
  • Skills
  • Expedition
  • Residential (for Gold Award participants only)
DofE graphic

Duke of Edinburgh Contact Information

  • Miss Sarah Jacobson – DofE Award Leader

Duke of Edinburgh expeditions provide a unique reason and opportunity to explore the amazing countryside. Without a doubt, the skills that young people learn in preparation for their expedition such as first aid, preparing and cooking their own food, finding shelter from the elements and navigating their way across the countryside are powerful skills that they and others will benefit from for the rest of their lives.

The Leigh Academy Hugh Christie Duke of Edinburgh team runs our expeditions in the Spring and Summer terms.  Teams will complete a training expedition, practice expeditions and qualifying expedition in teams of between 4 and 7 people.  The Bronze teams will walk approximately 25km over 2 days, with participants and staff camping overnight.

I really enjoyed taking part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award while I was at school.  It provided an opportunity to challenge myself, learn new things and do good work in the community. It is something that I still talk about with my school friends to this day.” – Dame Kelly Holmes, Hugh Christie Alumni, Double Olympic Champion, Silver Award Holder

Mission Statement

To inspire, guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their achievements. We strive to achieve our mission through personal development programmes and the presentation of Awards. Guiding principles include: