Home-Academy Agreement

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At Leigh Academy Hugh Christie, we are dedicated to ensuring that our Academy environment supports the learning and wellbeing of all students and staff. We recognise and value the partnership between school, parents/carers and students for students to become independent, successful and positive contributors to their community and society.

Our Home Academy Agreement recognises the importance of a successful partnership between the Academy, students and parents/carers. 

Leigh Academy Hugh Christie agrees to:
  • Provide every student with a broad, balanced education that maximises potential and encourages high aspirations 
  • Provide academic and vocational programmes of study that meet the needs of all learners
  • Build personal attributes in every student in line with our core values of being Ready, Respectful and Responsible. 
  • Provide high quality pastoral support to every student
  • Provide every student with an Advisor who will be the first port of call for parents
  • Challenge, support and encourage every student so they can become the best they can be
  • Provide every student with social, moral and spiritual education opportunities (including Religious, Relationships, Sex and Health Education) 
  • Provide opportunities to learn about British Values and become Internationally-minded
  • Develop a range of enrichment and extracurricular activities 
  • Provide a secure, stimulating and disruption free environment 
  • Provide regular home/independent learning opportunities
  • Provide access to emotional support through our Wellbeing team 
  • Provide students with academic feedback and opportunities for reflection 
  • Provide students with a Record of Progress folder in all their subjects to retain core assessments and allow them to see their progress over time 
  • Provide parents/carers with progress reports 
  • Offer at least one parents/carers’ evening each year 
  • Communicate with parents/carers to discuss any difficulties or concerns that may arise
  • Ensure the safety of staff and students, where necessary, by involving external agencies
  • Act swiftly and fully investigate any reports of bullying or discrimination and take necessary action
  • Fully support and work with the Academy to encourage a positive attitude to education
  • Support and model the Academy’s high expectations with a no excuses philosophy, prompting your child to take responsibility for their own learning and actions and teaching them to accept the consequences when they fail to do so.
  • Support the Academy policy regarding detentions, suspensions and exclusions. Understand that the Academy reserves the right to set detentions on the same day and communicate with the Academy clearly if there is a valid reason a detention needs to be rearranged.
  • Treat all Academy staff with respect and courtesy, accepting that they are professionals whose judgement should be trusted. Promise to work with the Academy in a gracious manner should you feel there is a concern that you wish to raise and trust the Senior Leadership Team to resolve this with you
  • Encourage excellent attendance (96%+) and punctuality; informing the Academy on any day that my child is unable to attend or will be late
  • Avoid family holidays during Academy term time.
  • Make time to discuss and listen to my child about any home learning and recognise effort and progress my child has made
  • Attend any parents evenings and relevant academy events in which my child is involved; including any meetings that are requested by the Academy
  • Inform the Academy if there are any factors which may affect my childs’ performance 
  • Fully support the Academy policies; including the Behaviour Policy and any sanctions that are implemented if and when required
  • Ensure my child has the correct uniform and equipment (including pencil case and its contents, correct footwear and correct PE kit) 
  • Pay for the repair or replacement of any damage caused by my child (including lost books, equipment or damage to property) 
  • Support my child in full-time education or training to the age of 18
  • Support the Academy policy on Acceptable Use of Academy Technology; including the computers or fire safety equipment 
  • My child using sharp instruments in practical lessons; such as technology, food technology, science and Art
  • Support any interventions that are put in by the Academy (including external agencies) where required
  • Take full responsibility for my child’s appropriate use of technology including social media
  • Download and regularly use the My Child at School (MCAS) app to ensure you are aware key information coming from the school such as positive / negative incidents, attendance, detentions, key notificationsa
  • Follow 3Rs of being Ready for my learning, being Responsible for my behaviour and learning and being Respectful to everyone and everything in the academy. 
  • Treat all members of the Academy community with understanding and respect 
  • Attend and be punctual to all lessons, including Advisory 
  • Remain on site during Academy hours
  • Try my best and meet all course requirements, including home learning tasks 
  • Wear the full and correct Academy uniform 
  • Bring the correct equipment 
  • Follow the Academy expectations and behave responsibly at all times (including to and from the Academy and any other time whilst representing the Academy)
  • Keep my mobile phone at the bottom of my school bag and switched off when on site
  • Follow and complete  any sanction(s) if and when required 
  • Not bring in any prohibited items  as detailed in the Behaviour Policy into the Academy as this will result in confiscation and a sanction
  • Not bring in any tobacco, vapes, alcohol, illegal drugs or offensive weapons (real or replica)  into the Academy as this may jeopardise my place 
  • Not maliciously interfere with Academy equipment; including the computers or fire safety equipment as this may jeopardise my place 
  • Not misuse ICT devices, systems or services as this will result in loss of access to technology in school or a more serious sanction; such as a Fixed-Term Suspension or Permanent Exclusion
  • Behave responsibly online including the use of learning platforms and social media