Business Studies


To develop the next generation of business entrepreneurs through skills based and theoretical subject-based content. To empower students to be proactive and to adapt to changing internal and external influences of the dynamic business environment. Giving students life skills to problem solves and employability skills to make suitable entrepreneurial decisions.

We aim to equip learners with the knowledge, critical thinking skills and practical experience they need to progress and thrive throughout their academic and professional careers. Our teaching focusses on developing communication, collaboration and decision making.

The Business Studies Department

  • Miss Janet Hudson – Director of Learning

Subject Content

Key Stage 3

Year 9 Introduction to key concepts for enterprise covering the following topics:

  • Exploring enterprise
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Market research
  • Internal and external influences on business
  • Marketing

Business Studies Learning Journeys (KS3)

Business Studies Learning Journey

Key Stage 4

Pearson BTEC TECH Award in Enterprise Level 1 and 2

The course is divided into 3 component units to be delivered over the course. All students are required to complete all units to gain the qualification.

  • Component 1: Exploring Enterprises (internally assessed unit)
    A – Examine the characteristics of enterprises
    B – Explore how market research helps enterprises to meet customer needs and understand competitor behaviour
    C – Investigate the factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise.
  • Component 2: Planning and Pitching an Enterprise Activity (internally assessed unit)
    A – Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity
    B – Pitch a micro-enterprise activity
    C – Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity
  • Component: Promotion and Finance for Enterprise (externally assessed unit)
    A – Promotion
    B – Financial records
    C – Financial planning and forecasting

Business Studies Learning Journey (KS4)

Business Studies Learning Journey

Key Stage 5

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business

Business is a two-year course leading to a single (equivalent to one A Level) qualification. The BTEC Extended Certificate provides opportunity for students to develop skills demanded for by employers.

The qualification offers student the opportunity to:

  • Prepare for further learning or training
  • Develop essential knowledge, transferable skills and personal skills in a subject area that interests them with an aim of enhancing their employability
  • Move into different areas of employment
  • Achieve a nationally recognised vocational qualification with UCAS points.

The course is divided into 3 mandatory units and 1 optional unit:

  • Unit 1 Exploring Business (Mandatory Internal Assessment)
    A – Explore the features of different business and what makes them successful
    B – Investigate how businesses are organised
    C – Examine the environment in which businesses operate
    D – Examine business markets
    E – Investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business success
  • Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign (Mandatory and Synoptic External Assessment)
    A – Introduction to the principles and purposes of marketing that underpin the creation of a rationale for a marketing campaign
    B – Using information to develop a rationale for a marketing campaign
    C – Planning and developing a marketing campaign
  • Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance (Mandatory External Assessment)
    A – Understand the importance of managing personal finance
    B – Explore the personal finance sector
    C – Understand the purpose of accounting
    D – Breakeven and cash flow forecasts
    E – Complete statements of comprehensive income and financial position and evaluate a business’s performance
  • Unit 22 Market Research (Optional Internal Assessment)
    A – Examine the market research used by a business
    B – Plan and implement a market research activity to meet a specific marketing objective
    C – Analyse and present market research findings and recommend process improvements
BTEC National Business Level 3 Specification

Business Studies Learning Journey (KS5)

Business Studies Learning Journey

Remote Learning

Year 10 Remote Learning Resources

Year 11 Remote Learning Resources

Year 12 Remote Learning Resources

Year 13 Remote Learning Resources