PE and Sport


At Leigh Academy Hugh Christie we share the intent to our students in the form of the acronym A.C.E. This stands for Aspire, Challenge and Enjoyment. We ensure that all students aspire to be the best they can be, are challenged to improve and ultimately enjoy what they do.

The PE and Sport Department

  • Mr Matthew Gregory – Director of Learning


  • Creates opportunities to develop key subject knowledge, understanding and skills related to all aspects of physical education.
  • Raises competence to excel and succeed in a broad range of individual and team sports
  • Encourages physical activity for sustained periods of time.


  • Presents opportunities to be physically and mentally challenged in a range of sporting situations to build character.
  • Develops teamwork.
  • Develops resilience and courage.


  • Presents opportunities for external competition at school, district, county and national level.
  • Develops the confidence and interest to continue participate regularly in sport outside of school and in later life through community links.
  • Inspires health, happiness and fitness for life.

Subject Content

Key Stage 3

Pupils follow a broad range of activities across the year as outlined in the National Curriculum. In Year 7 students will explore different types of activities whilst learning the basic core skills. Activities include; Football, Netball, Tag Rugby, Hockey, Dance, Health & Fitness, Athletics, Rounders, Cricket and Tennis. Activities are re-visited in Year 8 in which students work hard to enrich their experiences and continue to develop. Year 9 is focussed on embedding the skills even further to allow progression and development of skills and concepts, as outlined in the PE Subject Learning Journey. Skills will be refined and more advanced skills will be taught throughout the years if required. The Curriculum is designed to deliver the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum in Physical Education.

PE and Sport Learning Journey (KS3)

Year 7-9 Core PE Learning Journey Year 9 Learning Journey (new)

Key Stage 4

Core PE

Pupils continue to follow the National Curriculum in PE in Year 10 and 11. We ensure that all pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum which includes many of the activities that were studied in Key Stage 3. However, we allow for more ownership over activities and allow students the opportunity to follow a specific pathway per term. Our aim is to ensure that all students are engaging in activities that they would potentially pursue upon leaving full time education. We attempt to offer a variety of activities.

OCR Cambridge Nationals Sport Studies

We offer a three-year pathway for those who want to take Physical Education to the next level, this is in addition to the two to three hours of compulsory P.E. per week. The Cambridge Nationals in Sport Studies offer students the opportunity to study key areas of sport including; outdoor adventurous activities, leadership in sport, practical sport skills and contemporary issues in sport. On successful completion of the course, students will gain the equivalent of one GCSE.

Course Content and Assessment (Current Year 11 Students as of September 2022)

Year 9

  • Transition in to Sport
  • Sport and the Media

Year 10

  • Sport and the Media (continued)
  • Developing Knowledge and Skills in Outdoor Activities

Year 11

  • Contemporary issues in Sport (Exam)
  • Developing practical skills in Sport (Practical)
  • Catch up units & Exam re-sits (if required)
New specification (Followed from February 2022)

Year 9 (Semester 2)

  • Sport and the Media

Year 10

  • Sport and the Media (Continued)
  • Performance and Leadership in sports activities (Practical and Coursework)

Year 11

  • Contemporary Issues in Sport (Exam)
  • Catch up units & Exam re-sit (if required)

To be successful in this course, pupils are encouraged to take part in sport outside of school, either through extra-curricular activities at school or a privately run club.

OCR Cambridge National Level 1/2 Sport Studies Specification

PE and Sport Learning Journeys (KS4)

Key Stage 5

Key Stage 5 – OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Sport and Physical Activity

Sport is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK and it is not just about being a professional performer. There’s a huge range of professions within sport, from grassroots through to international level, covering areas such as nutrition, marketing, therapy and coaching.

This course offers students; an exciting, inspiring and challenging qualification that develops transferable skills essential to the work place or for further study. The course offers a wide range of units such as Sports coaching and leadership, sports organisation and development – providing students with the opportunity to acquire a range of transferable skills and knowledge areas from all aspects of sport.

The qualification will give learners an understanding of sport in the wider contexts of coaching, anatomy and physiology, the structure of sport in the UK and the organisations involved. Learners will also develop skills such as coaching skills for sport and the ability to conduct risk assessments as well as transferable skills such as planning, communication, adaptability and leadership.

Course Content and Assessment
  • 2 x 90 GLH units, 1 x 60 GLH and an appropriate combination of 30 GLH and 60 GLH units – two externally examined units and a choice of centre assessed units moderated by OCR).
  • Learners will take five units which are made up of mandatory and optional units:

Everybody will study the following units:

  • Unit 1: Body systems and the effects of physical activity
  • Unit 2: Sports coaching and leadership
  • Unit 3: Sports organisation and development
  • Unit 17: Sports injuries and rehabilitation
  • Unit 19: Sport and exercise psychology
OCR Cambridge Technical Sport and Physical Activity Specification

PE and Sport Learning Journeys (KS5)

Year 12 and 13 Sport Learning Journey

Remote Learning

Year 7 Remote Learning Resources


  • Refining & Implementing of Core Skills (Explore)
  • Basketball – Basketball
  • Hockey – Hockey
  • Tag Rugby – Rugby

Year 8 Remote Learning Resources


  • Refining & Implementing of Core Skills (Enrich)
  • Basketball – Basketball
  • Hockey – Hockey
  • Tag Rugby – Rugby

Year 9 Remote Learning Resources


  • Refining & Implementing of Core Skills (Embed)
  • Basketball – Basketball
  • Hockey – Hockey
  • Tag Rugby – Rugby


Year 10 Remote Learning Resources


Year 11 Remote Learning Resources


Year 12 Remote Learning Resources


  • Understanding the respiratory system in relation to exercise and physical activity
  • Understanding energy systems in relation to exercise and physical activity

Year 13 Remote Learning Resources
