
To equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to stay healthy and safe, and prepare them for current life and work and in a future modern Britain.

The PSHCE Department

  • TBC

PSHCE is delivered through five focus days throughout the academic year. Staff are members of teams related to each theme below. Staff plan collaboratively to ensure themes build and develop from year to year.

In certain circumstances, parents / carers do have the right to withdraw their children from SRE (Sex and Relationships Education).

Following discussion with the school, parents can withdraw their child from the ‘sex’ elements of Sex and Relationships Education. Parents do not have a right to withdraw their child from Health education, Relationships or any other aspect of PSHE education.

There is no right of withdrawal from National Curriculum Science which includes elements of sex education such as puberty and reproduction. Three terms before they turn 16, a student can opt back in to sex education lessons against their parents’ wishes.

If a parent/carer wishes to withdraw their child, they need to have a discussion with the Subject Leader or Deputy Principal so that he/she can be made aware of the reasons and provide alternative arrangements. We will try to accommodate any concerns as far as possible. The learning journey for SRE is shown in the able below.

Subject Content

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Types of relationships, Bullying Consent, Safe use of ICT, Peer Pressure
  • Health and Safety: Balanced diet, Exercise, Importance of sleep, Personal hygiene, Sensible technology use
  • Citizenship: Being a citizen, Rules and Laws, Communities, Rights and responsibility, Representation and leadership
  • Futures: Target-setting, Study skills, Careers, Enterprising, Aspirations
  • Finance: The role of money, Spending money, Trade and economics, Banking, Ways of paying

Year 8

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Feelings and attraction, Gender identity and sexual orientation, Sexting Long-term relationships, marriage and civil partnerships
  • Health and Safety: Mental health disorders, Positive coping strategies, Self-esteem, Unhealthy coping strategies, Social media and mental health
  • Citizenship: Debating issues, Communities, Rules and laws, Rights and responsibilities, Representation and leadership
  • Futures: Options, Career options, Voluntary work, Employment under 16, Developing character
  • Finance: Spending money sensibly, Budgeting, Trade and economics, Borrowing money, Taxation

Year 9

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Types of contraception, STIs, Readiness for sex, Unintended pregnancy, Sexual consent
  • Health and Safety: Uses of drugs, Alcohol, Illegal drugs, “Legal” highs Smoking and vaping
  • Citizenship: Role of local government, Role of government, Role of political parties, The free press, Elections
  • Futures: The labour market, Personal brand, Enterprising, Employability skills, Study skills
  • Finance: Savings, Gambling, Debt and credit, Income Consumer rights

Key Stage 4

Year 10

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Teenage parenthood, Abortion, Contraception, Managing break-ups, Gender double standards
  • Health and Safety: Drugs and alcohol, Gangs and knife crime, Digital footprint and online presence, Cosmetics and physical health, Mental health
  • Citizenship: Courts Prisons, The EU, Diversity, Different electoral systems
  • Futures: Businesses, Unemployment and redundancy, Work experience, Values in work and enterprise, CVs and applying for jobs
  • Finance: Interest and credit repayment, Pay-day loans, Public money, Developing economies, Fraud and identity theft

Year 11

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Fertility and factors affecting it, Parenting skills and qualities, Managing changing friendships, Consent and abuse in relationships, Sex in the media
  • Health and Safety: Using the NHS, Health and safety, Body image and the media, Wellbeing and work-life balance, E-safety
  • Citizenship: Contributing to communities, Fake news, Extremism
  • Futures (assemblies for year 11): Digital footprint and employability, Searching for work, Rights and responsibilities at work
  • Finance: Gambling, Self-employment and the “gig” economy, Mortgages and rent, Benefits and low income workers, Pensions

Key Stage 4

Year 12

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Sexual health and pregnancy, Relationships, Consent, Feminism and gender equality, Bullying and unhealthy relationships
  • Health and Safety: Mental health, Physical health, Impact of drug and alcohol abuse, Driving and road safety, E-safety
  • Citizenship (delivered through assemblies): Political parties, Social media and fake news, Cults and extremist groups, Trade unions, Diversity and discrimination
  • Futures: Qualities for the workplace and interviews, Choosing a career, Non-university options post-16, University Interviews
  • Finance: Investments, Insurance, University loans, Consumer rights, Savings and credit

Year 11

  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): Gender identity, Sexual orientation, Masculinity, Pornography and portrayal of sex, Sex in other cultures and faiths
  • Health and Safety: Staying healthy at university, college and beyond, Mental health beyond school, Impact of drug and alcohol abuse, Driving and road safety, Personal safety beyond school
  • Citizenship (delivered through assemblies): Political parties, Social media and fake news, Cults and extremist groups, Trade unions, Diversity and discrimination
  • Futures (assemblies for year 13): Data responsibility in the workplace, Creating a CV, Rights and responsibilities at work
  • Finance: Budgeting for adult life, Guarantors, Gambling, Income tax and National Insurance, “Good” debt and credit reports/scores.

PSHCE Learning Journey (KS5)

PSHCE Key Stage 5 Learning Journey