
The RSE Programme follows the Government’s Statutory Requirements. It is taught by trained and experienced staff who guide students to understand the facts and the law regarding relationships and to develop a deeper understanding of how to respect others and ensure healthy, happy and fulfilling relationships in life. 

The PSHCE Department

  • TBC

Topics are studied in greater depth as the years progress with students being encouraged to understand all aspects of a topic and to question and debate the impacts of life choices. 

Subject Content

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Types of Relationships 
  • Bullying and Cyberbullying 
  • Consent (in a non-sexual sense) 
  • Puberty 
  • Peer Pressure

Year 8

  • Feelings and Attraction 
  • Sexting and Digital Communication 
  • Long term Relationships, Marriage and Civil Partnerships 
  • Safer use of the Internet 
  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Year 9

  • Types of Contraception
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections 
  • Sexual Consent 
  • Sex and the Law 
  • Unintended Pregnancy – the facts and the law

Key Stage 4

Year 10

  • Teenage Parenthood 
  • Abortion 
  • Contraception 
  • Managing break ups 
  • Gender Double Standards

Year 11

  • Parenting: skills, qualities and importance
  • Managing changing friendships 
  • Fertility and affecting Factors 
  • Sex and the Media 
  • Consent and abuse in Relationships