Catering Information

Catering Menu Chartwells catering

All students in Years 7 to 11 are expected to remain on the school premises at lunchtime. Eating and drinking are only permitted in the Canteen, the Space, the Main Hall the two playground areas. The Canteen is operated for the school by a company called Chartwells.

Food can be purchased from the indoor café or the outside tuck shop areas.

Food can also be purchased during break times and at lunchtime.

The cooperates a ‘healthy eating’ policy. The aim is to provide a good choice of quality food which is attractive to our students. The menus and prices will be made available at the top of this page.

We use a biometric system which uses fingerprint technology for students to access their accounts. We require parental consent for your child to access the system. One of the many benefits of the system is that if the school has been notified of the student’s dietary requirements there will be an alert if they try to purchase an item which contains something to which they are allergic.

Money can be loaded onto the system:

  • Via Parent Pay which parents/carers can access online or at locations offering PayPoint
  • By cash – two machines are available in the café for students to add money to their account simply by presenting their finger to the scanner.
  • By cheque – made payable to Chartwells. This will be accepted by the Catering Manager between 8 am and 8:30 am only.

There is a daily spending limit in place of £6.00 for each student, (to include break and lunch) however on request, an individual student limit can be set.

Packed Lunches

These should be brought to the school in a sealed container and are to be consumed in the indoor eating areas. All students should respect the environment by ensuring all litter from packed lunches is placed in the bins or taken home.

Free School Meals

The system works in the same way for all students whether they pay for themselves or have free meals. The amount allocated for a free meal school meal is applied to the student’s daily account (currently £3.36) additional money can be added if parents wish.

Your child may be eligible for Free meals if parents /carers are in receipt of income support, ‘income based’ jobseekers or child tax credit without working tax credit.

Even if your child had a free school meal at Primary School, you will still need to register for a Free Meal.

Registration for Free Meals can be completed online using the link below, ​please ask the office for assistance if you do not have internet access.

Free School Meals Application