Careers Education


All young people need a planned programme of activities both to help them choose appropriate pathways at 14, 16 and 18 and to enable them to manage their careers, career progression and sustain employability throughout their lives.

Leigh Academy Hugh Christie provides impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to support students’ transition, not only to further or higher education, vocational training or employment, but to support them in becoming independent managers of their own careers.

Leigh Academy ​Hugh Christie encourages students to aspire and value lifelong learning, provide opportunities to develop key employability and enterprise skills that are highly valued by employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers.

The CEIAG Programme has been developed to engage parents and local employers, both in school and externally, to support our students in becoming employable and aspirational young people in accordance with the recommended Gatsby Benchmarks.

Careers Education Team

  • Mrs Emma Stubbs – SLT Careers Leader
  • Mrs Rebecca Pointer – Independent Careers Advisor
  • Mr Nicholas Heslop – Careers Governor
  • Ms Charlotte Steggles – Enterprise Coordinator

To contact the Careers team at Leigh Academy Hugh Christie:

  • Telephone: 01732 353544 Ext. 250


Leigh Academy Hugh Christie delivers the intent through:

  1. Curriculum: A careers curriculum that is aspirational, ensuring all students are aware of the possibilities open to them, delivered through a range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities.
  2. High Standards: Extensive support for students and parents to ensure students are best prepared for their Post 16 and Post 18 choices to maximise potential.
  3. Intelligent assessment: Tracking of students’ career aspirations and progress towards achieving them, across each Key Stage, help to guide the tailored provision offered at each key point.
  4. Equipped: Use and inform students of up-to-date local and national Labour Market Information to help them appreciate the role of British Industry and independently manage each stage of their career within it.
  5. Values: Promotion of the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees, helping students to develop the appropriate attitudes and values required to become work ready.
  6. Esteem: Belief in, build students’ self-esteem and develop confidence and resilience to aim high and attain their career aspirations.

Careers Advice

Our Careers Adviser will help you make plans for your future and advise you on:

  • Career ideas
  • Subject choices
  • Going to university
  • Local job opportunities
  • Sixth Form/Further Education options
  • Apprenticeships/jobs with training
  • Volunteering

Review & Monitoring

The careers curriculum is evaluated through the use of student surveys and monitoring the number of NEETs at the end of KS4 and KS5. 

The Headteacher reports this data to the Governing body twice a year and the annual careers development plan is approved by the Governors and the start of each academic cycle. A designated Governor is responsible for careers and monitors the progress regularly. 

Careers Overview


In year 7 students are introduced to the concept of careers education and key skills such as self-evaluation so they can utilise careers guidance and opportunities effectively. 

Students will develop skills around exploration and planning for their future utilising Unifrog as well as exploring different career areas in STEM subjects, PSHE and clubs. By the end of year 7, students will have an awareness of the world of work and a range of employment options beyond school so they can begin to narrow down their options.


In year 8 students will build on their foundational knowledge of the world of work and understand that skills are key in the contemporary workplace so they can apply their skills as roles change to meet the demands of society. 

Students will develop further insight by being exposed to a wider range of industries and experts. Students will have the opportunity to learn about how their learning connects to the workplace and the value of academic curiosity in support of this. 

Students will also have the opportunity to be exposed to Higher Education and understand the opportunities it provides, with bespoke support for eligible students.


In year 9 students are preparing to choose their KS4 options and actively pursue their career interests. Students are exposed to pathways post 16 and how different options may support this. 

Students develop their skills further through communication and presentation skills as well as through exposure to industry experts during careers events. 

Students will also have the opportunity to be exposed to Higher Education and understand the opportunities it provides, with bespoke support for eligible students. 


In year 10, students develop a more sophisticated understanding of how their subjects relate to the world of work through lessons as well as work experience placements during our careers week. 

Students develop further their professional skills through communication and presentation skills as well as academic skills such as organisation, leadership of self and preparedness. 

Students will have the opportunity to have Post 16 options guidance and bespoke support for those aiming for Higher Education and Apprenticeships ongoing.


In year 11 students will be implementing their career plans and preparing to apply for Post 16 options. Students will have 1:1 careers guidance as well as wider support during careers sessions at school to ensure they have a secure plan of how to secure their next steps. 

Students will have the opportunity to hear first-hand from individuals who have pursued the key pathways of Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Employment. Students will receive regular newsletters sharing work experience and volunteering opportunities as well as guidance on steps required for each pathway as the year progresses. 


In year 12, both internal and external students, will enhance their knowledge and exposure to a variety of educational and career pathways. We run bespoke societies focused on key careers pathways to ensure students have insight and exposure to their chosen area of interest and can make impressive applications for their next steps.

Students also have the opportunity to complete a work experience placement during our careers week as well as pathways evenings and events where they can hear from industry experts, admissions teams and individuals who have gone on to study in different areas.


In year 13 students will be refining their knowledge in their chosen career pathway and ensuring their academic progress and career exploration are broad and deep to support a successful application for their next steps. 

Students will be supported with expert guidance on applications for UCAS, Apprenticeships and the workplace including crafting personal statements to reflect the learning they have from their careers education in the previous years. We will signpost and support students to utilise open days, summer schools and resources to develop a clear rationale for their next steps and ensure they have every success over the next few years. 

Students will also have the opportunity to develop leadership of self and others so they can conduct a successful interview and manage the challenges ahead skillfully.

Helpful Links

National Careers Service Success At School
Target Careers Barclays Life Skills Careerpilot
iCould: Explore Careers BBC Bitesize Careers