

Geography helps us understand the world around us and our place in it. Geography is about how people affect environments; how environments affect people and the places these interactions happen. Geography is issues-based. It investigates geographical problems and how we can respond to these challenges. These issues are always changing and Geography changes with them, making Geography one of the most dynamic and relevant subjects you can study.

Geographical issues include:

  • How will climate change affect us?
  • Can Britain cope with more migration?
  • How is my weekly shopping damaging the oceans?
  • Why are coasts and place of conflict?
  • Can we survive without the rainforests?
  • How do we protect people from earthquakes and volcanoes?
  • Do some countries have to remain poor for Britain to stay rich?

Transferable Skills

In addition to knowledge, universities and employers seek people with good transferable skills (skills that can be used for a variety of tasks and activities). Geography develops a range of important transferable skills, including:

  • How to observe, record, display and analyse data.
  • How to extract information from a variety of different sources (maps, graphs, diagrams).
  • How to interpret and analyse information to reach substantiated conclusions.
  • How to problem-solve and make decisions about issues.
  • How work effectively with other people.
  • How to communicate ideas effectively using a range of techniques, including ICT.

How Can I Use a Geography Qualification?

Employers and universities value the broad range of transferable skills that Geography delivers. Geography fits neatly with sciences, arts and humanities. Geography was named by Russell Group report as one of the eight subjects which are preferred for entry to a degree course and as one of the facilitating subjects most likely to keep more options open at university.

Subject Content

Key Stage 3

Geography helps us understand the fast-changing world. It helps us make sense of the environment and its importance. Geography helps us understand the impacts people have on the planet. The subject equips us with a range of transferable skills.

Geography Learning Journeys (KS3)

Year 7-9 Learning Journey Year 9 Learning Journey (new)

Key Stage 4

The GCSE course has three papers:

  • Paper 1 Living in the UK Today (30%): 1 hour
  • Paper 2 The World Around Us (30%): 1 Hour
  • Paper 3 Geographical Skills (40%): 1.5 hours

The course is also organised into the following sections

  • The UK’s landscape and geology.
  • Coastal landscapes, landforms and processes.
  • River landscapes, landforms and processes.
  • The UK’s weather and climate.
  • Flooding in the UK.
  • The UK’s energy mix.
  • Why are world ecosystems like and why they are important?
  • How are ecosystems under threat?
  • How can the management of ecosystems be more sustainable?
  • Why are some places more developed than others?
  • How do trade and aid help and hinder development?
  • The impacts of migration and urbanisation.
  • How and why is our climate changing?
  • How do extreme weather events affect places and people?
  • How do people adapt and cope to extreme weather events?

Geography Learning Journey (KS4)

OCR A GCSE Geography Specification

Geography Learning Journey (KS4)

Year 10 & 11 Learning Journey

Key Stage 5

The GCSE course has three papers:

  • Paper 1: Physical Systems (1.5 hours)
  • Paper 2: Human Systems (1.5 hours)
  • Paper 3: Geographical Debates (2.5 hours)

The course is also organised into the following sections

  • Coastal Landscapes
  • Tropical Rainforests
  • The demographic, socio-economic and cultural contrasts of places
  • Migration
  • Power and Boarders
  • Climate Change
  • Disease Dilemmas
  • Exploring Oceans
  • Future of Food
  • Hazardous Earth
  • An independent field work investigation and report worth 20% of the examination.
OCR A Level Geography Specification

Geography Learning Journey (KS5)

A Level Geography Learning Journey

Remote Learning

Year 9 Remote Learning Resources

Year 10 Remote Learning Resources

Year 11 Remote Learning Resources

Year 12 Remote Learning Resources

Year 13 Remote Learning Resources