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PSHRE Curriculum Intent

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) still forms an important part of our personal development provision here at the academy and is drawn from a wide variety of sources. Our provision enables all students to leave us with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. We tackle relationships, health, sex, drug, and financial education not only through our robust Advisory programme, but also through weekly lessons. This enables our students to understand and live up to their responsibilities towards themselves, their families, communities, and society as a whole.

Our aim is to provide an engaging and inclusive Religious Studies curriculum that allows all students to reach their full potential, develop a love of learning and understand how important different religions are and how they impact the world today. It is more important than ever to understand the way the world is affected by different world views and world religions, and to engage in debate and conversations surrounding key topics and moral issues we face. Students gain the opportunity to learn why the world is the way it is today and become inquisitive, globally aware citizens.

Our delivery gives students:

  1. exposure to issues of diversity within and between religions and the ways in which religion and spirituality are expressed in various platforms;
  2. opportunities to expand and balance their evaluations of the impact religions can have on individuals, communities and societies, locally, nationally and globally;
  3. opportunities to understand the importance of dialogue between and among different religions and beliefs;
  4. opportunities to understand how religion and belief contribute to community cohesion, recognising the various perceptions people have regarding the roles of religion in the world.

RSE Curriculum Intent

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSE) forms an important part of the Personal Development Programme at Leigh Academy Hugh Christie. We intend to deliver a robust and exciting curriculum to help our students grow up in an increasingly complex world and live their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities for us all, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, our students need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

The RSE framework is delivered in PSHRE weekly lessons. Our RSE curriculum has been carefully produced and sequenced to take into account age appropriateness and provides students with the knowledge that will enable them to make educated decisions on aspects such as wellbeing, relationships, and how to navigate the online world safely. A key focus is to provide guidance on how to seek advice and support. This knowledge will allow our students to make informed decisions regarding any complex situation they may face. The curriculum is aligned with the Government’s Statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

Our provision enables all students to leave us with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. We tackle relationships, health, sex, drug, and financial education not only through our robust tutor programme, but also through aspects of our curriculum. This enables our students to understand and live up to their responsibilities towards themselves, their families, communities, and society as a whole.

If parents would like more information about content covered in PSHRE lessons, please click here and complete the online form. The RE curriculum is taught through our weekly PSHRE lessons for all year groups, for which you can find the curriculum intent and subject content here. 

RE Curriculum Intent

The Religious Education curriculum also aims to provide a rich, balanced and diverse curriculum about world religions and views which interlinks with IB values of being a global citizen. The curriculum aims to provide students with cross-curricular and interdisciplinary experiences which encourage the development of skills, investigation and inquiry whilst securing a deep knowledge base as well as developing enjoyment and passion for future study. In addition we aim to promote a students understanding of Fundamental British Values particularly mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as well as equality and diversity.

The RE curriculum aims too:

  • Develop knowledge of world religions and ethics and develop conceptual understanding.
  • To introduce students to inquiry and develop problem-solving and investigative skills
  • To help students develop a sense of identity and develop their own informed opinions and attitudes.
  • To develop responsible digital citizens through use of highly effective digital technology.

The RE curriculum is taught through our weekly PSHRE lessons for all year groups, for which you can find the curriculum intent and subject content here. In addition the RE curriculum is designed to ensure students feel that they have encountered varying religious experiences such as: worship, beliefs, symbols which they can later apply and make links between the six main world religions and explore similarities and differences between them.

ks3: PSHRE

Module 1: Healthy Mind Resilience

  • Positive mindset
  • My emotions and how to control them
  • How to manage when something is difficult

Module 2: Adolescence 

  • Puberty – our changing bodies
  • Hygiene
  • Sleep and exercise

Module 3: Media Navigator

  • Online Bullying
  • Safer App use
  • Fake news

Module 1: Drugs and the Law

  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Effects of illegal and prescription drugs
  • The law

Module 2: Buddhism

  • The Four Sights and Enlightenment
  • The Eightfold Path
  • The Dalai Lama

Module 3: Human Rights

  • Human Rights and Discrimination
  • Racism and Hate Crimes
  • Sexuality and Gender Identity

Module 1: Gangs and Knife Crime

  • Peer Pressure
  • Risks and Legal Implications of joining a Gang

Module 2: Careers

  • My Future Options and Pathways
  • Professional Reputations
  • Employee Rights

Module 3: Safer Sex

  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy and Miscarriage
  • Consent
PSHRE Learning Journey

ks4: PSHRE

Module 1: Self Image and Self Worth

  • Body Image
  • Aesthetic Procedures and Tattoos
  • Self Esteem and Confidence

Module 2: Healthy Sexual Relationships

  • Consent
  • Pregnancy and Your Choices
  • Choosing and Accessing Contraception

Module 3: Government and Politics

  • Influences of the Government
  • Political Parties
  • The Equality Act 2010

Module 1: Values and Beliefs

  • The Equality Act 2010 and Protected Characteristics
  • Discrimination
  • Radicalisation 

Module 2: Resilient Learners

  • Learning Mindsets
  • Dealing with Anxiety
  • Action Planning
PSHRE Learning Journey

ks5: PSHRE

Module 1: Wellbeing

  • Personal Safety
  • Managing Healthy Relationships
  • Work/Life Balance

Module 2: Values and Beliefs

  • The Equality Act 2010 and Protected Characteristics
  • Discrimination
  • Radicalisation
PSHRE Learning Journey